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Leverage yourself to your highest potential - BAM!

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Get BA Mastermind Silver Now!

Always wanted to secure your dream role that really moves your needle?

Ever feel like you are in the wrong job, waking up on a Monday morning and dreading another week at work?

You only live once, and you CAN secure your dream position if you plan your journey with a qualified mentor who holds you accountable for your actions each and every step of your journey.

Perhaps this is you...

1. You manage to secure interviews but are unable to consistently receive written offers


2. You are not able to be proactive and highly productive in your new role right from day 1

3. You lack confidence in your ability to easily get through your probation period

4. Doubt begins to creep in if you made the right choice when accepting the job offer

Ultimately, hiring managers want to hire people who are self-motivated and who actually achieve things. Make sure that your work achievements are a prominent part of your resume to show that you are willing to go the extra mile.

What Our Silver Masterminds Are Saying...



I am an experienced Business Analyst, I've been working in the industry for the last 12 years and I thought he came across very well, very personable, very friendly, very experienced and knowledgeable.

We've devised actions that are needed to reach my relevant goals.

Mark is well equipped with a library of knowledge and tips in terms of raising the BA standards in the workplace: looking at tools, artifacts, and documentation which I thought was great.

I would advise anyone to get in touch with BA Masterminds. I think Mark is brilliant.



My name is Anuradha and I come across Mark and his BA Masterminds through LinkedIn and we had our first zoom call on the 27th of August and the same day I bought a Bronze packet, which comprises of reviewing CVs, 30 minutes of free sessions.

We had this initial interview technique meeting and it really helped me to strategize my interview as such. I had a job interview with Close Brothers, my interview went well and I got the offer on the same day.

So I highly recommend BA Mastermind for anyone who wants to take the step up in their Business Analyst career.


I met with Mark and had a session just to understand, you know, where, what, what my pain points were because I didn't actually have a job for almost two years.

I had a video session with Mark, he will tell you where your strong points are and where you feel you need to make improvements. I got to the office last week, received two different job offers, I've accepted one.

So Mark will actually take you there. If you need to get there. If you're not doing well in your career, Mark will help you. So I strongly recommend Mark Bruins for your next career upgrade.

Hiring managers are looking for proof that you are qualified for the job, so this should always be your guiding principle. You need to demonstrate that you are capable of the position at your job interview by demonstrating confidence, knowledge and relevant experience.

Get BA Mastermind Silver Now!

What's included:


πŸ’₯ 1-Year access to our Silver membership portal
πŸ’₯ Access to join our private LinkedIn Group
πŸ’₯ Three self-paced instructional training courses
1️⃣ Interview Preparation Techniques
2️⃣ BAM Productivity
3️⃣ BAM Position
πŸ’₯ 60-minute Zoom video call with Mark
πŸ’₯ 14-day money-back guarantee on all our products and services​

Learn the Techniques for effective Interview Preparation, learn how to be Productive, and Set Your Goals the BAM way. 

What's in Silver:

The Skill Proposition

Module 1: BAM Interview Preparation Techniques

You have completed our Bronze mentoring and now you need to prepare for those many interviews you have managed to secure.

It is vital that you are confident instead of nervous, even better is to be seen as an authority as a BA.

To enable this you will need to be prepared for any and all questions they may ask you.

You'll want to appear professional, likeable and a perfect match according to the job description.

It’s your only chance to impress your interviewers, don't ruin it at this last hurdle.

Module 2: BAM Productivity

Our goal with BAM Productivity is to ensure that you are proactive, and highly productive, right from day one in your new BA position, to really impress your line manager.

The best strategy you can utilise, is to exceed the expectations your line manager has placed on you, and there is no reason why you can't start before your first day at work.

We provide you with a clear strategy, as well as tools, techniques, templates and teachings that so that you pass your probation with flying colours.

Module 3: All The Tools You Need To Build A Successful Online Business

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Module 3: BAM Position


We get you a few interviews lined up, fast, by equipping you with the essential skills and strategies to stand out from the crowd.

We help you develop a compelling personal brand and take you through our step-by-step process to refine and perfect your unique selling proposition (USP) to showcase your Education, Certifications, Skills, Knowledge and Experience. 

We provide you with a proven 8-step strategy on where to find jobs and how to correctly apply for them.

Meet the CEO, Mark Bruins

Mark offers over 40 years of international experience, has held 25 I.T. positions in his extensive career, 15 of them as a contractor and 8 in the United Kingdom. His last few roles were as a Senior Business Analyst, even though he is also certified as a Project Manager and a Microsoft MCSA.

He has been teaching since 1990, and since 2006 has been writing curriculum for his numerous courses from computer networking, software, environmental studies, business skills, web design, and now Business Analysis.

In 2019 he decided to get back into knowledge sharing and attained his certification with the Knowledge Broker Blueprint in the art of creating and delivering a Mastermind. Using his influence and persuasion he managed to on-board numerous professionals in their field to develop and market his Business Analyst Masterminds mentoring.

Stand Out Among The Rest!

βœ” It's time to get yourself known
βœ” It's time to get your dream job
βœ” It's time to excel!
Get The BA Mastermind Silver Now!